We aid the Army

About the fund

Slots City Foundation - Slots City Gaming Brand Charitable Foundation. In 2021, we began to donate part of the winnings to charity. Today, together with our investors, partners and friends of the project, we continue to provide point assistance for our victory. Ukraine above all!
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Financial assistance

Financial assistance

The Foundation organized the transfer of 252 775 249 UAH to the needs of the Armed Forces of Ukraine

Financial assistance

Information assistance

Our volunteers provide informational support

Financial assistance

Humanitarian help

We know how to obtain and distribute equitably the equipment and funds vital for the Ukrainian war effort

Detailed report

In general, the fund and partners transferred
252 775 249 uah
+ 10 094 948 uah
Transferred this month
10 094 948 uah
Transferred last month
15 479 995 uah

Foundation and partner news

Today, more than ever, it is crucial to do everything possible to accelerate our victory. The Slots City Foundation not only donates aid to the military and volunteers from the Slots City gaming brand but also raises funds from investors, partners, like-minded people and friends of the project. This is our contribution to the common cause!
Need a help
Supervisory Board
Director of the
Slots City Foundation

Artem Stohnii is a professional manager with extensive experience in both the public sector and private business.

CEO of Slots City

Oleg KONONCHUK is an experienced manager, specialising in the implementation of innovative projects in the field of IT, e-commerce, telecommunications.

Member of the Supervisory Board
Slots City Foundation

He has been in IT since he was 16 and has occupied top positions in many high-tech projects.

Stanislav ANDREEV
Stanislav ANDREEV

Major competence of Stanislav Andreev is marketing and everything related to it, primarily digital marketing.

Thank you for contacting us!

We will review and answer it soon! Glory to Ukraine! Glory to heroes!

Need a help

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